I always consider May to hold a theme of manifestation–
arms wide open, flowers blooming, finally-arriving-after-a-period-of-hard-work kind of manifestation.
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, take a moment right now and acknowledge some self-destructive habit or thought process that you no longer do…
some situation you no longer give energy to,
a habit you no longer employ,
power you no longer give away,
thoughts you no longer give life to,
energy you no longer waste.
Sometimes we forget.
We forget the things we no longer do, that used to take so much from us and from our precious twenty-four hours.
This is no small feat.
Take a moment and view the landscape from here, right now.
What do you see?
Look back for a moment. Compare it to this one.
Personal development stems from little choices, one step at a time.
Congratulate yourself on your success.
Celebrate the small steps you’ve taken that add up to big ones.
Now consciously stand here, in this new, ever fertile, what-do-I want-to-create-from-here space. Then, proceed.
Enjoy the blooms of May.
All good things…
Jill Sylvester